Evergreen Affiliate Dashboard for The Need To GROW
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— Rosario Dawson, Executive Producer and Narrator

About this program:
The Need To GROW is a deeply impactful documentary that explores the profound connection between soil health, food security, and environmental sustainability. Through the lens of three extraordinary innovators and their cutting-edge solutions, the film sheds light on the fragility of our current food system and advocates for responsible, regenerative agriculture.
Under the compelling narration of esteemed celebrity and activist Rosario Dawson, The Need To GROW delivers a unifying message of hope and empowerment while issuing an inspiring call to action. It leaves viewers with the vital understanding that every individual can make a difference, and collectively, we hold the power to shape a brighter future for our planet.
When you share this offer with your audience, they will be invited to watch the film for FREE for four days. We hope this screening experience will be an extraordinary resource for your followers, a contribution to building a healthy future for our children, and a great moneymaker to support your mission.
Promotion window:
This offer is evergreen! You can promote The Need To GROW anytime.
We also occasionally run launches during designated promotion windows for our partners to share in tandem with FRN. This creates a special buzz and offers an opportunity to win leaderboard prizes! Click here to see the dates of our upcoming launches.
Core audience:
Anyone who enjoys a good movie! The Need To GROW attracts a wide-ranging audience, including foodies, locavores, gardeners, environmentalists, and people concerned about GMOs, pesticides, and climate change. The film’s message holds universal appeal and resonates with people of all dietary orientations.
About the funnel:
After participants sign up for the screening event, they will be given four days of free access to the film. Later in the funnel, registrants will have the opportunity to purchase an Impact Kit that helps them put all the learnings from The Need To GROW into action.
The Impact Kit is a collection of 15 powerful 45-minute lessons featuring experts on gardening, composting, healing foods and herbs, soil’s connection to the microbiome, removing pesticides from your community, and more. It also comes with lifetime digital film access, full-length expert interviews from the film, deleted scenes, and more than $500 worth of bonuses. The Impact Kit sells for $197 and is offered on sale during the limited-time screening for just $97 — and for fast action takers from the screening page, $67.
All Impact Kit buyers will be given complimentary access to one of FRN’s Health Collections (a $97 value) for free — or they can add all four Health Collections to their order for a $47 upsell. Affiliate commissions are payable for both the Impact Kit and upsells.
Registrants for The Need To GROW will be added to both the Food Revolution Network and Earth Conscious Life email lists.
Historic stats:
On average, affiliates have earned more than $2.74 per lead for this program. Nearly 80% of the people who start the movie finish it, and despite a very generous 60-day money-back guarantee, less than 2% of buyers ask for a refund.
Commission structure:
Unless otherwise agreed, affiliates receive 50% commission on eligible sales and upsells. Affiliates can also receive 10% lifetime commissions for second-tier referrals (i.e., they receive 10% of sales revenue generated by affiliates they refer).
We offer 70-day last-referrer tracking, and occasionally launches are stacked.
Barring any special circumstances, we pay out the prior month’s affiliate commissions in the first week of the following month.
Bottom line: Promoting this totally free (and life-changing) film could be a great revenue source for you and YOUR mission!
Here is your link:
Important Note
You must use your link as we are giving it to you by copying it below and pasting it in your post/message.
Please DO NOT click on the link, copy the resolving URL that appears in the new window or tab in your browser, and use that. The resolving URL will not work for affiliate tracking.
You must be logged in to get links that contain your unique tracking code.
Trailer Landing Page
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Email Swipe Copy
How to Use the Copy We Provide
The suggested copy and images we offer are simply ideas to help you get started. Most partners have learned that it works best to write in their own authentic voice. Please use our images and copy as much as you would like, but feel confident that you know your audience best.
Every time you see “[First Name],” we are suggesting you include the recipient’s first name. If you don’t have their name, we suggest substituting the word “Friend” or editing it out.
Based on our research, the use of [First Name] in the subject, when used judiciously, leads to about a 5–10% bump in open and click rate. That’s something you may want to use only a time or two, as represented in the copy we’re providing. We offer several suggested subject lines — hopefully you’ll see something you like or come up with your own!
Follow-up Emails to Unopens
If you send early in the promo window, we recommend sending a follow-up email — 1–2 days after your first email — to the people who haven’t opened. To maximize the chances of engagement, it’s best to use a new subject line and opening paragraph. In our experience, this strategy has been shown to increase initial results by approximately 40%. It’s worth noting that recent changes in email tracking may inaccurately mark some recipients as having opened a message, even if they haven’t. Despite this imperfection, sending to unopens can still be an effective way to improve your overall email performance.
Three Tips For Better Email Results
- Our swipe copy is a fantastic starting point, but we encourage you to add your own unique style and voice to make it even more effective. It’s important to remember that if multiple affiliates are using the same exact messaging, it may not create the desired impact. That’s why we strongly recommend adding a personal touch and tailoring the content to resonate with your audience. Let your creativity shine and make it your own!
- According to data on email delivery, messages that contain fewer than four hyperlinks tend to have a higher likelihood of reaching inboxes and Gmail primary folders. The swipe copy we provide usually includes three hyperlink slots for this reason.
- Based on our testing, we have found that using a capital letter for the first word of the subject line and lowercase letters for the rest yielded slightly better results than using “Title Case.” We also recommend avoiding the use of spam filter-triggering words like “FREE” in the subject line and hyperlinks to optimize deliverability.
*Click each row to open the suggested swipe.
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
We’re at a vital crossroads.
Industrial agriculture has become one of the most destructive forces on the planet.
We’re eroding the soil of vital nutrients… Contaminating our food (and our bodies) with pesticides… And we’re running out of water.
But there are a few brave innovators fighting for change.
This week, you can watch their story (and be part of the solution) with the award-winning film, The Need To GROW. Our friends at Food Revolution Network are hosting a limited-time global screening event for free.
>> Watch now: The Need To GROW.
Narrated and produced by activist and actress Rosario Dawson (as seen in Wonder Woman, Rent, The Lego Batman Movie, and other blockbusters), this film will warm your heart and inspire you with possibilities.
You’ll learn about the breakthrough technology that can regenerate soil in just a few days — doing what would take nature 400 years to do on its own. (And why this is so threatening to the powers that be!) You’ll find out how to supercharge vegetables with nutrients through a brilliant new growing method that can work just about anywhere (even in parking lots). And you’ll be inspired by the story of a child activist who wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.
This film is urgent, and we need to get it to as many people as possible.
>> Watch the trailer and get free access to stream The Need To GROW now.
If you haven’t seen this amazing film, you are in for a (healthy) TREAT. If you have seen it you know how special it is, and this is your chance to watch it again and join in spreading the word!
P.S. This critically acclaimed film rocked the independent film circuits when it came out, winning over a dozen awards, and it’s available to watch for a limited time. For the next few days, you can stream it for free. Watch The Need To GROW now.
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
We need your help! Our planet is in trouble, but together we can make a difference. Watch the eye-opening documentary, The Need To GROW, for free during Food Revolution Network’s limited-time global screening event.
This film will make you laugh, make you cry, and fill you with hope.
>> Get it for free, right here.
The Need To GROW reveals a big problem: Industrialized farming is harming our planet. Soil is being eroded ten times faster than it can heal, threatening our ability to grow food in the future (and triggering skyrocketing food prices right now).
But don’t worry, there’s hope!
The Need To GROW shows us solutions.
Join the movement for a sustainable future. This family-friendly film will inspire you to take action.
Don’t miss out!
>> Watch The Need To GROW today.
Together, we can make a better future. Let’s save the soil and protect our planet.
P.S. Act now! Don’t miss this chance to watch The Need To GROW for free. Join the global movement for a sustainable food future. Be inspired to make a difference. Watch The Need To GROW now.
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
We’re losing quality soil.
Here’s what that means…
— Food that doesn’t taste as good.
— An increase in diseases as our soil is stripped of vital nutrients.
— Skyrocketing food prices.
— And eventually, if we continue on this path, no food.
But there is hope, and that’s exactly what the inspiring film, The Need To GROW, is about.
>> This week, for a very limited time, you can watch The Need To GROW for free.
This moving documentary has won over a dozen awards at film festivals, including Best Documentary, Audience Favorite, and Best Environmental Film.
It will touch your heart, give you hope, and inspire you to be part of the solution on planet Earth.
>> Click here to watch The Need To GROW. (Available free for a very limited time.)
I promise you’ll be so glad you watched it!
P.S. Our friends at Food Revolution Network are hosting a free limited-time global screening event of The Need To GROW. If you haven’t seen this mind-blowing film, you are in for a (healthy) TREAT. If you have seen it, you know how special it is, and this is your chance to watch it again! Watch the powerful trailer and join in this urgent global event, right here.
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
If you love a good movie, I want to share a must-see film that you can watch for free this week.
It’s called The Need To GROW, and it’s won over a dozen awards, including Best Documentary at the Sonoma International Film Festival, Audience Favorite at the Philadelphia Environmental Film Festival, Best Environmental Film at the Sedona Film Festival, and many more.
>> Watch The Need To GROW for free.
“No human being should miss this film.” —Society of Voice Arts and Sciences
“Perhaps the best film on sustainability I have ever seen.” —Terry Grouya, founding director of the American Documentary Film Festival
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by what’s going on with the environment and the status quo, The Need To GROW is a story of hope and solutions.
Narrated and produced by activist and actor Rosario Dawson (Wonder Woman, Rent, The Lego Batman Movie, and other blockbusters), this film will show you what you can do to save yourself, your loved ones, and your community from a world where food is literally impossible to grow.
This film rocked the independent film circuits when it came out, and this week you can stream it for free.
>> Click here to watch The Need To GROW for free.
I promise you won’t regret watching it. This film will make you laugh, cry, and leave you more than just hopeful — it’ll inspire you to be part of the solution.
P.S. Imagine if we had enough healthy food to feed everyone in the world.
When you watch the film, you’ll discover how we can grow 100% organic food at warp speed using new technology that can do in four days what would take nature 400 years.
>> Watch the award-winning documentary The Need To GROW here.
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
Our friends at Earth Conscious Life have created an inspiring, award-winning film about the solutions Earth so desperately needs!
It created a buzz at film festivals around the world, won several accolades for Best Documentary, and is available RIGHT NOW to watch for free.
The film is called The Need To GROW, and it’s a profoundly moving 90-minute documentary — the kind that gives you chills, opens your heart, and leaves you informed about some of the most critical issues of our times.
>> Go now to the free exclusive screening of this award-winning movie!
The focus of this film is on soil, food, and the future of our species — told through the lens of three extraordinary and very likable characters and their journeys as solutionaries.
It’s narrated by the outstanding celebrity activist Rosario Dawson. It brings a non-divisive message about the stake we all have in humanity’s ability to sustainably grow food for future generations.
The Earth Conscious Life team spent over five years making this movie, and the moment I saw it I felt exhilarated. This is a story that needs to be told — and it is told VERY well.
I urge you to sit down and watch the film. The Need To GROW moved me emotionally in a way that doesn’t often happen with food documentaries! I promise you’re going to love it, too.
>> DO NOT MISS this incredibly inspiring film — watch it right now for free!
P.S. It’s only free for a limited time, so don’t wait! Watch the whole movie today, and I know you’ll be as inspired as I am.
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
The last year has been tough for a lot of people. And now, perhaps more than ever, the world needs grounded hope.
Finally, here’s a film that shows how we can help heal the planet and ourselves at the same time!
I just had the pleasure of watching The Need To GROW, which was all the buzz at film festivals around the world — winning awards at almost half of its screenings. It’s narrated and executive produced by the brilliant actress/activist Rosario Dawson, and it’s a food documentary unlike any you’ve seen before.
Right now, my friends at Food Revolution Network and Earth Conscious Life are teaming up to offer it to you for a special four-day FREE screening.
>> DO NOT MISS THIS! You can watch this inspiring film right now — for no charge.
The film follows three underdog solution innovators as they tackle some of the biggest challenges of our times.
For anyone starting to lose hope about the health of our species and our planet, this is THE film you need to see!
You’ll notice familiar faces with experts like Dr. Vandana Shiva, Paul Stamets, and Jeffrey Smith, but this is really a story-driven journey that will leave you inspired. It might even make you cry (in a good way).
>> Click here to join in this global event and claim your seat to watch it all for free here, now.
P.S. There is a twist halfway through that will shock you, but I promise it’s worth watching until the end. Watch it now and you’ll see what I mean!
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
What did you think of The Need To GROW?!
If you haven’t seen it yet make sure you take 90 minutes to watch this award-winning movie about solutions!
>> Find out all about it and watch it for free here, now.
This film brings together so much inspiring work that’s happening around actually healing our food system and regenerating the health of people and the planet. And the storytelling is masterful!
It’s narrated by the brilliant actress/activist Rosario Dawson and has received accolades from film festivals across the board. The filmmakers decided the message was too urgent to limit to local theater releases or streaming services — so right now, for a limited time, they’re giving the movie away to watch from anywhere in the world, for free!
Trust me, you need to see this.
>> Watch this incredibly inspiring movie right now — for no charge.
As you’ll see in the film, healing soil is the multi-faceted solution that transforms almost everything:
- Cleans water
- Reduces pollution
- Provides more nutrient-dense, safe, and healing foods
- Reverses climate change by storing carbon in the soil!
There is also one technology in this film that will blow you away — everyone on Earth needs to know about it!
I promise you won’t regret spending a night (or a bit of your day) watching this movie. If you are anything like me, it will leave you inspired and reactivated on how to help support your own health and the health of our planet!
P.S. There is a twist halfway through that will shock you, but I promise you need to watch until the end. And it’s only going to be free for a limited time, so don’t wait! Watch the whole movie now, and I know you’ll be as inspired as I am.
Talking Points
Here are some fast facts you can share about the film. Remember that your audience will respond better if you put this into the context of your work or personal message.
- The Need to GROW has been featured in dozens of film festivals worldwide and won numerous awards, including Best Documentary, Audience Favorite, and Best Environmental Film. My friends at Food Revolution Network are teaming up with the film’s producers to offer you a FREE, limited-time global screening event.
- Industrialized agriculture has emerged as one of the most environmentally destructive forces on our planet, causing widespread damage to ecosystems and natural resources.
- Conventional farming practices erode soil 10 times faster than we can replenish it.
- The alarming reality is that if we don’t take action now, we will run out of topsoil and stable water supplies in many parts of the world — and many people will starve to death.
- Regenerating soil is crucial for a multitude of environmental factors:
- Water storage: Healthy soil helps store water, mitigating both drought and flood risks.
- Nutrient density: Soil regeneration increases nutrient levels in crops, providing more nourishing food options.
- Protection from pollution: Regenerative practices safeguard farmers, wildlife, and oceans from chemical runoff.
- Carbon sequestration: Soil is the primary place for drawing down and storing excess atmospheric carbon.
- The Need To GROW is a story of SOLUTIONS. Save the soil, save the world!
- The importance of soil quality in food production often goes overlooked, but without healthy soil, there is no food. The Need To GROW sheds new light on a critical subject we can’t afford to ignore.
- The Need To GROW is a story-driven environmental film that will inspire and motivate you to become part of the solution to the global food crisis.
- The Need To GROW is a family-friendly film providing a diverse array of solutions at all scales. It will leave you engaged and ready to take action immediately after watching!
- The Need To GROW has had a global impact, inspiring audiences in over 175 countries with its powerful message and call to action.
Video Trailers to Share
We’re providing these downloadable trailers in case you’d like to share video content with your audience.
Need Help?
We’ve created this Affiliate Center to be entirely self-service. Because we have a large number of amazing affiliate partners, we’ve worked to make sure this dashboard includes everything you need to promote The Need To GROW. For more information, please visit our FAQ page and Terms and Conditions.
Images and Social Media Swipe Copy
We’re providing numerous ideas and options for promoting this program. You can use the images on their own, or if you use the images on social media, we have provided suggested copy optimized specifically for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Please feel free to use the copy and images in whatever way works best for you — as is or modified.
Need help posting to social media? Click here for step-by-step instructions.
We’re losing quality soil. Here’s what that means…
❌ Food that doesn’t taste as good
❌ An increase in diseases as soil is stripped of vital nutrients
❌ Skyrocketing food prices
❌ And eventually if we continue on this path, no food
Want good news? Soil regeneration could help solve all these problems and more! The Need To GROW shines a light on how that is possible.
🎥 This moving documentary has won over a dozen awards at film festivals, including Best Documentary, Audience Favorite, and Best Environmental Film.
It will touch hearts and inspire hope to be part of the solution on planet Earth.
🎬 Watch the award-winning film, The Need To GROW — before it’s too late. https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
The Need To GROW is a powerful documentary that will show you what you can do to save yourself, your loved ones, and your community from a world where food is literally impossible to grow.
🌎 Get inspired, informed, and empowered to become part of the solution on planet Earth!
👉 Watch the film for FREE during this limited-time global screening event: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
The Need To GROW could be the perfect film for you and your loved ones. 🌱
🎥 Watch the award-winning film now for free!
Here is what you can expect:
✅ The Need To GROW will give you hope and inspire you to participate in the restoration of the Earth.
✅ Learn about new technology that holds the key to feeding the planet — and reversing the damage caused by industrial agriculture.
✅ The Need To GROW follows three renegade leaders as they fight to heal our broken food system…
✅ Learn about new solutions for reclaiming the future of our planet.
✅ Executive produced and narrated by Rosario Dawson (Marvel’s The Defenders, The Lego Batman Movie, The Mandalorian, Ahsoka).
👉 Watch the complete film for free during this limited-time screening here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
🌎 Will your children and grandchildren inherit a planet they can’t live on?
Or will they be able to say that YOU helped turn things around?
👉 Act now and get The Need To GROW Impact Kit here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
🌱 With food security on the minds of so many, The Need To GROW sheds new light on a subject we can’t afford to skip.
The Need To GROW film provides a diverse array of solutions at all scales. Get ready to take action immediately after watching!
👉 You can watch the documentary here today — FREE for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Soil health has never been more important. Thankfully, there are solutions.
Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To GROW, highlights these life-giving solutions that have the power to save our food system.
You can watch the documentary here today — FREE for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Soil health has never been more important. Thankfully, there are solutions.
Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To GROW, highlights these life-giving solutions that have the power to save our food system.
You can watch the documentary here today — FREE for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Join actress-activist Rosario Dawson of movies like Alexander, Sin City, 25th Hour, and Star Wars, on a mission to restore our beautiful Earth.
If you haven’t seen The Need To GROW yet, this is your chance! This award-winning film highlights the critical steps we must take NOW to preserve our planet for future generations.
You can watch the full film here — FREE for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Change only happens when we know the truth.
Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To GROW, gives us solutions — and the real stories of the game-changing innovators behind them.
Watch the full film (totally free!) for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
If we regenerate soils, we also:
🌊 Heal our water systems
🥬 Improve our food’s nutrient density
🌎 Store vast amounts of carbon underground to reverse climate change
The Need To GROW showcases CUTTING-EDGE solutions to our planet’s most pressing issues.
Rosario Dawson narrates this award-winning film, and you can watch it FREE right now!
Don’t wait. Amidst all the eco-disaster news, if you’re looking for hope for the future, this is the documentary you need.
You can watch it FREE for a limited time, right here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
The Need To GROW is the solution-focused film the world desperately needs right now.
You can watch it FREE for a limited time, right here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To GROW, shows us that it is possible — starting with our soil.
We were BLOWN AWAY by the groundbreaking solutions and innovators in this award-winning film. And we know you will be, too.
The best part? It’s not too late to change the future.
You can watch the full film here — free for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
If you believe the Earth’s future is worth fighting for, you need to see this! If you haven’t seen The Need To GROW yet, the time is NOW.
This award-winning film will make you laugh, make you cry, and inspire you to help restore the only world we have.
You can watch the full film here — FREE for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
It’s the great environmental connector that regulates food and water. It’s also our best chance at reversing climate change. But we’re losing it faster than it can be replenished.
Life as we know it is being threatened by unsustainable practices. Thankfully, hope remains.
Ready to find out what you can do TODAY for the Earth?
Watch Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To GROW, right now for free, and prepare to be INSPIRED: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
The Need To GROW highlights the most critical, dwindling natural resource that virtually no one is talking about — our soil.
Follow the inspiring innovators that are working to restore and heal the world before it’s too late.
Watch the award-winning documentary here today — FREE for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
The answer? Start by watching Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film.
Now available to stream (totally free!) for a limited time only: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
The answer depends on the actions we take TODAY.
Experts predict that we’ll eventually run out of farmable soil if we continue on our current path, leading to:
🌡️ Worsening health problems
📈 Skyrocketing food costs
🌲 Environmental devastation
❌ And eventually, in as little as two generations…NO FOOD.
Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To GROW, is about SOLUTIONS to this critical moment in history and the game-changers who are inspiring them.
Watch it FREE for a limited time, here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
The answer depends on the actions we take TODAY.
Experts predict that we’ll eventually run out of farmable soil if we continue on our current path, leading to:
🌡️ Worsening health problems
📈 Skyrocketing food costs
🌲 Environmental devastation
❌ And eventually, in as little as two generations…NO FOOD.
Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To GROW, is about SOLUTIONS to this critical moment in history and the game-changers who are inspiring them.
Watch it FREE for a limited time, here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Few people are talking about how crucial soil health is to every other environmental issue, including:
💧 Water
🏭 Pollution
🥬 Nutrient-dense foods
🌎 Climate change
Ready to take a stand for our future? Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To GROW, highlights the KEY to regenerating our ecosystems. Plus, the Green Power House technology just blew us away! 🤯
Watch it FREE for a limited time here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
It’s what feeds us.
But our food system is collapsing. And unsustainable farming practices are destroying what precious soil we have left.
It’s time to focus on solutions.
Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To Grow, highlights the game-changing solutions that can save our food system.
You can watch the documentary here today — FREE for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Right now, the last thing we want to see is another documentary riddled with doom and gloom. Thankfully, this one is just the opposite.
Watch Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need to GROW, right now for FREE and prepare to be inspired: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Without healthy soil, we have no healthy plants. No forests. No farms. And ultimately no nutritious food to eat.
Today, the majority of our planet’s soils have already been destroyed.
The Need To GROW is the solution-focused film the world NEEDS now more than ever.
You can watch it FREE for a limited time, right here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Without healthy soil, we have no healthy plants. No forests. No farms. And ultimately no nutritious food to eat.
Today, the majority of our planet’s soils have already been destroyed.
The Need To GROW is the solution-focused film the world NEEDS now more than ever.
You can watch it FREE for a limited time, right here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
And with the right actions, we have the power to impact the future of life on Earth for good.
Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film, The Need To GROW, offers a story of hope laced with solutions for a world that so desperately needs our help.
Watch the full film (totally free!) for a limited time now: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Watch the award-winning film @TheNeedToGROW FREE for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Watch @TheNeedToGrow COMPLETELY FREE for a limited time: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Watch the award-winning film, @TheNeedToGROW, for free: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Watch @rosariodawson’s award-winning documentary @TheNeedToGROW right now for FREE and prepare to be inspired: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
@TheNeedToGROW is the solution-focused film the world needs now more than ever. Watch it FREE: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
@TheNeedToGROW is the solution-focused film the world needs now more than ever. Watch it FREE: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Watch the full film FREE for a limited time now: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
We’re losing quality soil. Here’s what that means…
❌ Food that doesn’t taste as good
❌ An increase in diseases as soil is stripped of vital nutrients
❌ Skyrocketing food prices
❌ And eventually, if we continue on this path, no food
Want good news? Soil regeneration could help solve all these problems and more! The Need To GROW shines a light on how that is possible.
🎥 This moving documentary has won over a dozen awards at film festivals, including Best Documentary, Audience Favorite, and Best Environmental Film.
It will touch hearts and inspire hope to be part of the solution on planet Earth.
🎬 Watch the award-winning film, The Need To GROW — before it’s too late.
Link in bio
#theneedtogrow #regenerativeag #film #screening #soilhealth #environmentalsolutions
The Need To GROW is a powerful documentary that will show you what you can do to save yourself, your loved ones, and your community from a world where food is literally impossible to grow.
🌎 Get inspired, informed, and empowered to become part of the solution on planet Earth!
👉 Watch the film for FREE during this limited-time global screening event.
Link in bio
#theneedtogrow #regenerativeag #film #screening #soilhealth #environmentalsolutions
The Need To GROW could be the perfect film for you and your loved ones. 🌱
🎥 Watch the award-winning film now for free!
Here is what you can expect:
✅ The Need To GROW will give you hope and inspire you to participate in the restoration of the Earth.
✅ Learn about new technology that holds the key to feeding the planet — and reversing the damage caused by industrial agriculture.
✅ The Need To GROW follows three renegade leaders as they fight to heal our broken food system…
✅ Learn about new solutions for reclaiming the future of our planet.
✅ Executive produced and narrated by Rosario Dawson (Marvel’s The Defenders, The Lego Batman Movie, The Mandalorian, Ahsoka).
👉 Watch the complete film for free during this limited-time screening!
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#theneedtogrow #regenerativeag #film #screening #soilhealth #environmentalsolutions
🌎 Will your children and grandchildren inherit a planet they can’t live on?
Or will they be able to say that YOU helped turn things around?
👉 Act now and get The Need To GROW Impact Kit today — link in bio!
🌱 With food security on the minds of so many, The Need To GROW sheds new light on a subject we can’t afford to skip.
The Need To GROW film provides a diverse array of solutions at all scales. Get ready to take action immediately after watching!
👉 You can watch the documentary today — FREE for a limited time — link in bio!
Soil health has never been more important. Thankfully, there are solutions.
@rosariodawson’s award-winning film @TheNeedToGROW highlights these life-giving solutions that have the power to save our food system. And for a limited time, you can watch it FREE.
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Soil health has never been more important. Thankfully, there are solutions.
@rosariodawson’s award-winning film @TheNeedToGROW highlights these life-giving solutions that have the power to save our food system. And for a limited time, you can watch it FREE.
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Join actress-activist @rosariodawson of movies like Alexander, Sin City, 25th Hour, and Star Wars, on a mission to restore our beautiful Earth.
If you haven’t seen @TheNeedToGROW yet, this is your chance! This award-winning film highlights the critical steps we must take NOW to preserve our planet for future generations.
You can watch the full film now — FREE for a limited time.
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Change only happens when we know the truth.
@rosariodawson’s award-winning film @TheNeedToGROW gives us solutions — and the real stories of the game-changing innovators behind them.
Watch the full film (totally free!), now for a limited time.
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If we regenerate soils, we also:
🌊 Heal our water systems
🥬 Improve our food’s nutrient density
🌎 Store vast amounts of carbon underground to reverse climate change
@TheNeedToGROW showcases CUTTING-EDGE solutions to our planet’s most pressing issues.
@rosariodawson narrates this award-winning film, and you can watch it for FREE right now!
Don’t wait. Amidst all the eco-disaster news, this film will give you the hope for the future you need.
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@TheNeedToGROW is the solution-focused film the world desperately needs right now.
You can watch it FREE for a limited time right now.
Link in bio to watch!
@rosariodawson’s award-winning film @TheNeedToGROW shows us that it is possible — starting with our soil.
We were BLOWN AWAY by the groundbreaking solutions and innovators in this award-winning film. And we know you will be, too.
The best part? It’s not too late to change the future.
You can watch the full film for free, right now, for a limited time.
Go to the link in our bio to watch!
If you believe the Earth’s future is worth fighting for, you need to see this! If you haven’t seen @TheNeedToGROW yet, the time is NOW. This award-winning film will make you laugh, make you cry, and inspire you to help restore the only world we have.
You can watch the full film for FREE, right now, for a limited time.
Link in bio to watch while you still can.
It’s the great environmental connector that regulates food and water. It’s also our best chance at reversing climate change. But we’re losing it faster than it can be replenished.
Life as we know it is being threatened by unsustainable practices. Thankfully, hope remains.
Ready to find out what you can do TODAY for the Earth?
Watch @rosariodawson’s award-winning film, @TheNeedToGROW, FREE right now for a limited time.
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@TheNeedToGROW highlights the most critical, dwindling natural resource that virtually no one is talking about — our soil.
Follow the inspiring innovators that are working to restore and heal our world before it’s too late.
Link in bio to watch the award-winning film for free right now!
With the planet on the brink of an ecological disaster, many are wondering what they can do.
The answer?
Start here by watching @rosariodawson’s award-winning film. Now available to stream (totally free!) for a limited time only.
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The answer depends on the actions we take TODAY.
Experts predict that we’ll eventually run out of farmable soil if we continue on our current path, leading to:
🌡️ Worsening health problems
📈 Skyrocketing food costs
🌲 Environmental devastation
❌ And eventually, in as little as two generations…NO FOOD.
@rosariodawson’s award-winning film, @TheNeedToGROW, is about SOLUTIONS to this critical moment in history and the game-changers inspiring them. And for a limited time, you can watch it FREE!
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The answer depends on the actions we take TODAY.
Experts predict that we’ll eventually run out of farmable soil if we continue on our current path, leading to:
🌡️ Worsening health problems
📈 Skyrocketing food costs
🌲 Environmental devastation
❌ And eventually, in as little as two generations…NO FOOD.
@rosariodawson’s award-winning film, @TheNeedToGROW, is about SOLUTIONS to this critical moment in history and the game-changers inspiring them. And for a limited time, you can watch it FREE!
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Few people are talking about how crucial soil health is to every other environmental issue, including:
💧 Water
🏭 Pollution
🥬 Nutrient-dense foods
🌎 Climate change
Ready to take a stand for our future? @rosariodawson’s award-winning film, @TheNeedToGROW, highlights the KEY to regenerating our ecosystems. Plus, the Green Power House technology just blew us away! 🤯
Link in bio to watch it FREE for a limited time.
It’s what feeds us.
But our food system is collapsing. And unsustainable farming practices are destroying what precious soil we have left.
It’s time to focus on solutions.
@rosariodawson’s award-winning film, @TheNeedToGROW, highlights the game-changing solutions that can save our food system.
You can watch the documentary now — FREE for a limited time.
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Right now, the last thing we want to see is another documentary riddled with doom and gloom. Thankfully, this one is just the opposite.
@TheNeedToGROW is a story-driven film, narrated and executive produced by actress-activist @rosariodawson.
And for a limited time, you can watch it FREE!
Link in bio to watch and be inspired.
Without healthy soil, we have no healthy plants. No forests. No farms. And ultimately no nutritious food to eat.
Today, the majority of our planet’s soils have already been destroyed.
@TheNeedToGROW is the solution-focused film the world NEEDS now more than ever. @rosariodawson’s award-winning feature will fill you with hope and inspire action.
You can watch it free for a limited time right now.
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Without healthy soil, we have no healthy plants. No forests. No farms. And ultimately no nutritious food to eat.
Today, the majority of our planet’s soils have already been destroyed.
@TheNeedToGROW is the solution-focused film the world NEEDS now more than ever. @rosariodawson’s award-winning feature will fill you with hope and inspire action.
You can watch it free for a limited time right now.
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And with the right actions, we have the power to impact the future of life on Earth for good.
@rosariodawson’s award-winning film, @TheNeedToGROW, offers a story of hope laced with solutions for a world that so desperately needs our help. Watch the full film (totally free!) for a limited time now.
Link in bio to watch while you still can.
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Watch this award-winning film for FREE!
If you’re concerned about the planet, this film is for you.
The Need To GROW is a story-driven environmental documentary that will inspire and motivate you to become part of the solution to the global food crisis.
Watch this award-winning film for FREE — before it’s too late. https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Watch this award-winning film for FREE!
The Need To GROW is a powerful documentary that will show you what you can do to save yourself, your loved ones, and your community from a world where food is literally impossible to grow.
Get inspired, informed, and empowered to become part of the solution on planet Earth!
Watch the film for FREE during this limited-time global screening event: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Watch an inspiring film about our planet!
The Need To GROW will give you hope and inspire you to participate in the restoration of the Earth. Watch the complete film for free during this limited-time screening: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
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