Evergreen Affiliate Dashboard for Eating For Tomorrow
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About the Program:
Eating For Tomorrow is a powerful and brilliantly produced documentary (with a multimillion-dollar budget) that exposes the devastating environmental impact of our current food systems. With the planet teetering toward ecological collapse, the film calls for a global dietary shift and illuminates the path to a sustainable future for us all.
Eating For Tomorrow is a longer and more uplifting version of the original hit film Eating Our Way To Extinction. Since its debut, it has ignited conversations worldwide and garnered high praise from film critics, media outlets, environmental organizations, and viewers alike. Eating For Tomorrow is narrated by Academy Award-winning actress Kate Winslet and features many renowned contributors, including Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and leading oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle. Food Revolution Network partnered with the film’s producers to release this retitled cut with more than 14 minutes of deeply moving bonus footage.
Through poignant messages from indigenous peoples and compelling evidence from top scientists, Eating For Tomorrow confronts a stark reality. This powerful message not only underscores the urgency of our situation but also instills hope that our daily food choices can truly change the course of history. This film is a must-see and must-share for anyone who cares about the fate of humanity and our planet!
When you share this offer with your audience, they will be invited to watch the film for free and then encouraged to take the next step by purchasing an Impact Kit. We hope this screening experience will be an extraordinary resource for your community, a great moneymaker to support your mission, and a contribution to building a healthier, happier future.
Promotion Window:
This offer is evergreen! You can promote Eating For Tomorrow anytime.
We also occasionally run launches during designated promotion windows for our partners to share in tandem with FRN. This creates a special buzz and offers an opportunity to win leaderboard prizes! Click here to see the dates of our upcoming launches.
Core Audience:
Anyone who enjoys a good movie! This exclusive release of Eating For Tomorrow appeals to everyone, including people who may have seen the original Eating Our Way To Extinction film. It is particularly compelling for environmentalists, sustainability advocates, foodies, animal lovers, plant-based eaters, and anyone interested in health and nutrition.
About the Funnel:
After participants sign up for the screening event, they will receive four days of free access to the film and a curated digital recipe book with dozens of healthy, plant-based recipes from Michelin Star chefs.
Later in the funnel, registrants will have the opportunity to purchase an Impact Kit that helps them put all the learnings from the film into action. The Impact Kit is a collection of 26 video interviews featuring stars from the film, environmental experts, best-selling authors, renowned physicians, and the world’s most forward-thinking plant-based luminaries.
The Impact Kit includes unlimited digital film access, written transcripts, downloadable MP3s, a “Take Action Guidebook” with practical tips for making a difference, and more than $500 worth of bonuses. It features 16 video lessons on the environmental impact of food, six video lessons on the health impact of food, four next-step video lessons, and three digital books with recipes and authoritative science.
The Impact Kit sells for $197 and is offered on sale during the limited-time screening for just $97 — and for fast action takers from the screening page, $67. All Impact Kit buyers will also be invited to purchase FRN’s Total Health Collection (a $47 upsell) and two cookbooks (a $10/$20 bump offer). Affiliate commissions are payable for the Impact Kit, Total Health Collection upsell, and cookbook bump offer.
Eating For Tomorrow registrants will be added to both the Food Revolution Network and Eating Our Way To Extinction, LTD (the parent company behind Eating For Tomorrow) email lists.
Commission Structure:
Unless otherwise agreed, affiliates receive a 50% commission on eligible sales and upsells. Affiliates can also receive 10% lifetime commissions for second-tier partner referrals.
We offer 70-day last-referrer tracking, and sometimes launches are stacked.
Barring any special circumstances, we pay out the prior month’s affiliate commissions in the first week of the following month.
Bottom line: Promoting this totally free (and life-changing) program could be a great revenue source for you and YOUR mission!
Your Affiliate Links:
Important Note
You must use your link as we are giving it to you by copying it below and pasting it in your post/message.
Please DO NOT click on the link, copy the resolving URL that appears in the new window or tab in your browser, and use that. The resolving URL will not work for affiliate tracking.
You must be logged in to get links that contain your unique tracking code.
Trailer Landing Page
If you would like to use SubIDs, you may add the following query parameter to the end of your affiliate link URL: &sub1=A.
Email Swipe Copy
How To Use the Copy We Provide
The suggested copy and images we offer are simply ideas to help you get started. Most partners have learned that it works best to write in their own authentic voice. Please use our images and copy as much as you would like, but feel confident that you know your audience best.
Every time you see [First Name], we are suggesting you include the recipient’s first name. If you don’t have their name, we suggest substituting the word “Friend” or editing it out.
Based on our research, the use of [First Name] in the subject, when used judiciously, leads to about a 5–10% bump in open and click rate. That’s something you may want to use only a time or two, as represented in the copy we’re providing. We offer several suggested subject lines — hopefully you’ll see something you like or come up with your own!
Follow-Up Emails to Unopens
If you send early in the promotion window, we recommend sending a follow-up email — 1–2 days after your first email — to the people who haven’t opened. To maximize the chances of engagement, it’s best to use a new subject line and opening paragraph. In our experience, this strategy has been shown to increase initial results by approximately 40%. It’s worth noting that recent changes in email tracking may inaccurately mark some recipients as having opened a message, even if they haven’t. Despite this imperfection, sending to unopens can still be an effective way to improve your overall email performance.
Three Tips for Better Email Results
- Our swipe copy is a great starting point, but we encourage you to add your own unique style and voice to make it even more effective. It’s important to remember that if multiple affiliates are using the same exact messaging, it may not create the desired impact. That’s why we strongly recommend adding a personal touch and tailoring the content to resonate with your audience. Let your creativity shine, and make it your own!
- According to data on email delivery, messages that contain fewer than four hyperlinks tend to have a higher likelihood of reaching inboxes and Gmail primary folders. The swipe copy we provide usually includes three hyperlink slots for this reason.
- Based on our testing, we have found that using a capital letter for the first word of the subject line and lowercase letters for the rest yielded slightly better results than using “Title Case.” We also recommend avoiding the use of spam filter-triggering words like “FREE” in the subject line and hyperlinks to optimize deliverability.
*Click each row to open the suggested swipe.
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
I just watched an extraordinary movie.
It features Oscar-winner Kate Winslet, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and the world’s leading environmental experts.
It just might be the most important film ever made.
>> Watch Eating For Tomorrow for free, right here.
Our entire planet is on a collision course with disaster. We’re running out of fresh water, topsoil, and forests — and every day, another 150 species are being driven to extinction.
Most of us know that our industrialized food system is part of the problem. But this award-winning film illuminates the enormity of the impact like no film ever has.
It will bring you to tears, give you chills, fill you with hope, and inspire you to take action.
As Leonardo DiCaprio put it, “This is a film future generations will wish everyone watched today.”
>> Watch it for free for a limited time, right here!
Then spread the word and tell everyone you know.
P.S. Eating For Tomorrow is a special extended (and more uplifting) version of the wildly popular hit film Eating Our Way To Extinction. When you sign up to join in this limited-time screening, you’ll also get a free e-book of planet-friendly recipes from Michelin Star chefs. Get it all now!
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
We’ve all seen the footage and heard warnings from scientists. In just a few years, we could reach a point of no return, with climate change threatening our very existence.
But as bad as things are, it’s not too late to make a change. And I just watched a riveting and hopeful film that tells us what we can do that could make all the difference.
>> Watch Eating For Tomorrow and find out what we can do to help heal our planet.
Eating For Tomorrow is a spellbinding and award-winning film that will open your eyes and show you how we really can turn things around.
This is the key to saving our planet, animals, and maybe even our human species.
And right now, for a limited time, it’s available to watch for free.
Featuring Oscar-winner Kate Winslet, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Indigenous elders, and the world’s leading environmental experts, this film will open your eyes and show you what we can do to solve the climate crisis.
Change IS possible.
For example…
People used to smoke in doctor’s offices, and now we know better.
Cars didn’t used to come with seatbelts, and now we can’t imagine not wearing one.
Women used to not be allowed to vote, have jobs, or open bank accounts on their own.
We can change. We have changed. A better world is possible, and that’s what Eating For Tomorrow is all about!
>> Stream Eating For Tomorrow FREE while it’s available this week.
Then spread the word and tell everyone you know.
P.S. This award-winning film has generated rave reviews. Check out a few…
“This film needs to be screened all around the world. In every school and to every politician.”
“This documentary has totally changed the perspective of myself and what I see.”
“This left me speechless. This is a must-see.”
Don’t miss catching the film while it’s available free for a limited time.
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
I want to tell you about a film that’s powerful enough to change the future of life as we know it.
And film critics, international film festivals, and A-list celebrities agree…
Filled with eye-opening truths, strong critiques, and, most importantly, solutions, Eating For Tomorrow is the environmental masterpiece we’ve been waiting for.
>> Stream Eating For Tomorrow while it’s available for FREE.
Eating For Tomorrow is a special extended version of the wildly popular hit film Eating Our Way To Extinction. Not only has it swept up Best Documentary and Audience Choice awards at film festivals around the globe, it has a rare 90% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Narrated by Oscar-winning A-lister Kate Winslet and featuring Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Indigenous elders, and world-leading environmental experts, this film will open your eyes and show you how we can turn the biggest crisis in humanity’s history around.
Plus, when you sign up to watch the film, you’ll get a recipe book filled with incredible planet-friendly recipes that you’ll love.
>> Watch the movie tonight — and get your recipe book for free!
Then spread the word and tell everyone you know.
P.S. As Leonardo DiCaprio put it, “This is a film future generations will wish everyone watched today.” Don’t delay. Join in this limited-time free screening event now.
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
Ever feel like you’re the only one who’s worried about what kind of world we’re leaving for future generations?
Like the whole world’s too busy to stop and do something about climate change…
Or that you don’t know how you can really make a difference in saving the human race?
Yep, I know the feeling.
This is why I’m so excited to tell you about a celebrity-backed, award-winning film that offers a powerful solution to this urgent problem.
It’s called Eating For Tomorrow, and it stars a Hollywood A-lister (Kate Winslet), one of the world’s most iconic business owners (Sir Richard Branson), and a household name who has inspired millions (Tony Robbins).
And right now, it’s available to watch for free during this special, limited-time screening window.
>> Stream Eating For Tomorrow while it’s available for free.
These celebrities have come together to get the word out about the most important fight in human history… and, most importantly, simple ways each of us can pitch in to be part of the solution.
Eating For Tomorrow is a special extended version of the wildly popular hit film Eating Our Way To Extinction. Not only has this environmental masterpiece swept up Best Documentary and Audience Choice awards at film festivals around the globe, but it also has a rare 90% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and thousands of rave reviews from viewers who call it a “MUST-SEE.”
Plus, when you sign up to watch the film, you’ll get a recipe book filled with incredible planet-friendly recipes you’ll love.
If your heart yearns for solutions to the climate crisis, don’t miss this film. It might be the most important one you’ll ever see.
>> Catch the award-winning film and get your eco-friendly recipes today.
P.S. Paul McCartney said: “Give the film a watch, I think you’ll enjoy it.”
Leonardo DiCaprio said: “This is a film future generations will wish everyone watched today.”
Kate Winslet said: “This film shows us we can be powerful, not powerless.”
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
There’s no way to sugarcoat it — the future of life on Earth is in grave danger.
We’re up against ecological disasters, with climate change, pollution, and deforestation threatening our collective future and the planet we call home.
But rather than give up, a team of scientists agree:
There’s one KEY thing we can do to help prevent irreversible damage.
But we must act now if we want to make a difference before it’s too late.
I just watched an incredible documentary called Eating For Tomorrow — a special extended version of the wildly popular hit film Eating Our Way To Extinction. This movie swept up awards for best film in festivals around the world and is truly one of the most important films you’ll ever see.
It will open your eyes, give you hope, and show you how YOU can help shift our current trajectory.
The best part is it’s totally free to watch this week!
>> Join in this complimentary free global screening event right here.
[First Name], please do yourself and our planet a huge favor. Watch this film, and tell everyone you know.
As Leonardo DiCaprio put it, “This is a film future generations will wish everyone watched today.”
P.S. When you sign up to join in this limited-time screening, you’ll also get a free e-book of planet-friendly recipes from Michelin Star chefs. Get it all now!
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
Millions of people are raving about this award-winning film… and with good reason.
It’s riveting. And it’s delivering what could be the most important message of our times.
>> Stream Eating For Tomorrow while it’s available for free this week!
We’re at a critical turning point, with ecological disasters like floods, hurricanes, fires, melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and drought threatening billions of people.
Climate scientists warn that we must make a change. And it turns out that food is the #1 way that we can avert disaster, save our species, and preserve our planet for future generations.
If you want to be part of the solution, you’re going to love Eating For Tomorrow.
The filmmakers want to get this message out to as many people as possible, as fast as possible. So, for a limited time, you can watch it for free.
>> Watch the powerful trailer and join in this global free streaming event right here.
As Leonardo DiCaprio put it, “This is a film future generations will wish everyone watched today.” Please take advantage of your limited-time opportunity to watch this moving and urgent film. You’ll be so glad you did!
P.S. Eating For Tomorrow is a special extended version of the wildly popular hit film Eating Our Way To Extinction. When you sign up to join in this limited-time screening, you’ll also get a free e-book of planet-friendly recipes from Michelin Star chefs. Get it all now!
Possible Subject Lines:
Message Content:
I want to be sure you don’t miss out. It’s your LAST chance to catch an environmental masterpiece in this free global screening event.
>> Stream Eating For Tomorrow while it’s available for FREE.
Eating For Tomorrow is a special extended version of the wildly popular hit film, Eating Our Way To Extinction. This film swept up Best Documentary Awards all over the world, and millions are saying it has forever changed their lives.
But don’t wait. The free screening window is just about to close.
If you’re wondering if you should watch this movie, ask yourself this simple question…
Do you want to know the most practical thing we can do to actually stand up to climate change?
If so, you’re not going to find a more inspiring movie than Eating For Tomorrow.
Imagine going from being overwhelmed by the most urgent problem humanity has ever faced — to being part of the solution.
Watching this movie today could change the rest of your life and the future of life on planet Earth.
I can’t recommend it highly enough.
>> Catch the award-winning film for free while you can.
P.S. When you watch, you’ll recognize a star-studded cast of familiar voices and faces, including Oscar-winner Kate Winslet, Tony Robbins, and Sir Richard Branson. Don’t miss it!
Talking Points
Here are some fast facts you can share about this program. Remember that your audience will respond better if you put this into the context of your work or personal message.
- Our planet is on a collision course with disaster. We’re at a critical point, with floods, hurricanes, fires, melting ice caps, rising sea levels, species extinction, and drought on the rise and threatening the future of humanity.
- While it’s well known that our food choices have an effect on our personal and planetary health, this riveting film illuminates the enormity of the impact like no other film ever has. It will bring you to tears, give you chills, fill you with hope, and inspire you to take action.
- Featuring the star power of Oscar-winner Kate Winslet, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and the world’s leading environmental experts, this special version of the award-winning film Eating Our Way To Extinction contains bonus hope-filled footage not shown anywhere else. Watch for free for a limited time!
- This story is compelling, impeccably documented, and urgent. It’s not too late to save our planet and our species… if we take action now.
- If you want to be part of the solution, start by watching Eating For Tomorrow.
- The filmmakers are making this film free to watch, for a limited time, because they want to get this message out and create widespread change.
- When you sign up to watch the film, you’ll also get a free e-book you’ll love, filled with planet-friendly recipes from a global team of Michelin Star chefs.
Video Trailer
This downloadable trailer is a fantastic way to share engaging video content with your audience.
Need Help?
We’ve created this Affiliate Center to be entirely self-service. Because we have a large number of amazing affiliate partners, we’ve worked to make sure this dashboard includes everything you need to promote Eating For Tomorrow. For more information, please visit our FAQ page and Terms and Conditions.
Images and Social Media Swipe Copy
We’ve created a variety of images and accompanying swipe copy for this program. These assets are designed for versatility and adaptability across various platforms and marketing channels. Please feel free to utilize these resources in a way that best fits your promotional strategy — either as provided or tailored specifically for your audience.
Need help posting to social media? Click here for step-by-step instructions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to add your affiliate link to all posts so you don’t miss out on commissions. Please use the link exactly as provided. Do NOT click on the link and use the URL that appears in your browser. The resolving URL will not work for referral tracking. For social media promotions, you may use a link shortener like bitly.com.
*Click each row to view the suggested social swipe copy with the images, OR click the button below to download all the images at once.
Squares — Short Captions
Squares — Long Captions
“Eating For Tomorrow” is a must-watch documentary that takes you inside the food industry’s dirty secrets they don’t want you to see. It will reveal the truth, open your eyes, and inspire you to take action against self-inflicted extinction.
📽️ Join the movement for change and watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut here: https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
🌱 Together, we can make a difference. Let’s start eating for tomorrow!
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
“Eating For Tomorrow” reveals how our current food systems are pushing our planet to the brink, and illuminates the path to a sustainable future for us all.
Narrated by Academy Award-winner Kate Winslet, with insights from luminaries like Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and leading oceanic scientist Sylvia Earle, this inspiring film is an urgent call to action.
🎬 Watch the FREE director’s cut screening of “Eating For Tomorrow” now: https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
🌱 We have the power to save the world from ecological collapse!
#EatingOurWayToExtinction #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
⏰ “Eating For Tomorrow, a special extended version of Eating Our Way To Extinction” is more than a film — it’s a global wake-up call. 🌍
Seen by 10 million viewers across the world, this award-winning documentary stars Academy Award-winner Kate Winslet, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and the world’s foremost oceanic scientist, Sylvia Earle.
Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut now and learn about the critical role we all play in preserving our planet for future generations. 🌱 https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
“Eating For Tomorrow” reveals how each of us can be a force for positive change, starting with our daily meals. 🌎
This profoundly important film takes you inside the food industry’s dirty secrets they don’t want you to see. It will reveal the truth, open your eyes, and inspire you to take action against self-inflicted extinction.
👉 Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut now and empower yourself with the knowledge to make a difference. https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
The good news is that every meal offers an opportunity to make a difference! 🌱🍽️
⏳ “Eating For Tomorrow” tells the most urgent story of our time. Through poignant testimonials from indigenous peoples and compelling evidence from top scientists, this award-winning documentary confronts the stark reality of our situation and offers hopeful solutions.
We have ten years left to avoid catastrophic climate change, and the time to act is now!
🎬 Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut to get informed, inspired, and empowered to make an impact today. https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
📽️ “Eating For Tomorrow,” an award-winning documentary narrated by Kate Winslet, calls on us to join forces in protecting the future of life on Earth.
Within the next decade, we’re facing ecological disaster, as climate change, pollution, and deforestation threaten our very existence and the planet we call home.
👋 But the solution is in our hands!
Environmental experts agree there’s one KEY thing we can do to help prevent irreversible damage, and we must act NOW if we want to turn the tide.
Together, we can forge a path toward a sustainable future, and “Eating For Tomorrow” shows us how.
➡️ Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut to start making an impact today: https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
🌟 Join over 10 million viewers worldwide in watching this profoundly important film featuring Academy Award-winner Kate Winslet, Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and renowned oceanic scientist Sylvia Earle. 🌊
🌱 It’s time to educate ourselves and take action for our planet’s future. “Eating For Tomorrow” shows us how to eat for tomorrow!
➡️ Watch the exclusive director’s cut for free now: https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
This groundbreaking film exposes the food industry’s hidden agenda, shedding light on the REAL reasons we’re headed toward ecological collapse.
🌍 Experts agree there is a way to eat that can avert disaster, save our species, and preserve our planet for future generations.
➡️ Watch the FREE director’s cut of “Eating For Tomorrow” to discover how you can be part of the solution! https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
🌱 If you want to be part of the solution, start by watching “Eating For Tomorrow,” a profoundly important documentary everyone needs to see. The film lays out what’s broken and, more importantly, what we can do to turn this crisis around.
👉 Plus, when you sign up to watch the film, you’ll get a recipe book filled with incredible planet-friendly recipes you’ll love! 🌍
➡️ Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut and discover how you can help preserve our planet’s beauty and biodiversity. https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
Discover the hidden costs of what’s on our plates and learn how simple changes can make a monumental difference in our future. 🌎💚 This film isn’t just about awareness; it’s about empowering each of us to take action and protect our precious planet.
Join the movement towards a sustainable lifestyle and see why “Eating For Tomorrow” is the environmental film everyone needs to see. 📽️✨
📣 Watch “Eating For Tomorrow” now for FREE and be inspired to make a positive change! Together, we can create a healthier planet for generations to come. https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
Banners — Short Captions
Banners — Long Captions
“Eating For Tomorrow” is a must-watch documentary that takes you inside the food industry’s dirty secrets they don’t want you to see. It will reveal the truth, open your eyes, and inspire you to take action against self-inflicted extinction.
📽️ Join the movement for change and watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut here: https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
🌱 Together, we can make a difference. Let’s start eating for tomorrow!
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
“Eating For Tomorrow” reveals how our current food systems are pushing our planet to the brink, and illuminates the path to a sustainable future for us all.
Narrated by Academy Award-winner Kate Winslet, with insights from luminaries like Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and leading oceanic scientist Sylvia Earle, this inspiring film is an urgent call to action.
🎬 Watch the FREE director’s cut screening of “Eating For Tomorrow” now: https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
🌱 We have the power to save the world from ecological collapse!
#EatingOurWayToExtinction #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
⏰ “Eating For Tomorrow, a special extended version of Eating Our Way To Extinction” is more than a film — it’s a global wake-up call. 🌍
Seen by 10 million viewers across the world, this award-winning documentary stars Academy Award-winner Kate Winslet, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and the world’s foremost oceanic scientist, Sylvia Earle.
Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut now and learn about the critical role we all play in preserving our planet for future generations. 🌱 https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
“Eating For Tomorrow” reveals how each of us can be a force for positive change, starting with our daily meals. 🌎
This profoundly important film takes you inside the food industry’s dirty secrets they don’t want you to see. It will reveal the truth, open your eyes, and inspire you to take action against self-inflicted extinction.
👉 Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut now and empower yourself with the knowledge to make a difference. https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
The good news is that every meal offers an opportunity to make a difference! 🌱🍽️
⏳ “Eating For Tomorrow” tells the most urgent story of our time. Through poignant testimonials from indigenous peoples and compelling evidence from top scientists, this award-winning documentary confronts the stark reality of our situation and offers hopeful solutions.
We have ten years left to avoid catastrophic climate change, and the time to act is now!
🎬 Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut to get informed, inspired, and empowered to make an impact today. https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
📽️ “Eating For Tomorrow,” an award-winning documentary narrated by Kate Winslet, calls on us to join forces in protecting the future of life on Earth.
Within the next decade, we’re facing ecological disaster, as climate change, pollution, and deforestation threaten our very existence and the planet we call home.
👋 But the solution is in our hands!
Environmental experts agree there’s one KEY thing we can do to help prevent irreversible damage, and we must act NOW if we want to turn the tide.
Together, we can forge a path toward a sustainable future, and “Eating For Tomorrow” shows us how.
➡️ Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut to start making an impact today: https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
🌟 Join over 10 million viewers worldwide in watching this profoundly important film featuring Academy Award-winner Kate Winslet, Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and renowned oceanic scientist Sylvia Earle. 🌊
🌱 It’s time to educate ourselves and take action for our planet’s future. “Eating For Tomorrow” shows us how to eat for tomorrow!
➡️ Watch the exclusive director’s cut for free now: https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
This groundbreaking film exposes the food industry’s hidden agenda, shedding light on the REAL reasons we’re headed toward ecological collapse.
🌍 Experts agree there is a way to eat that can avert disaster, save our species, and preserve our planet for future generations.
➡️ Watch the FREE director’s cut of “Eating For Tomorrow” to discover how you can be part of the solution! https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
🌱 If you want to be part of the solution, start by watching “Eating For Tomorrow,” a profoundly important documentary everyone needs to see. The film lays out what’s broken and, more importantly, what we can do to turn this crisis around.
👉 Plus, when you sign up to watch the film, you’ll get a recipe book filled with incredible planet-friendly recipes you’ll love! 🌍
➡️ Watch the exclusive FREE director’s cut and discover how you can help preserve our planet’s beauty and biodiversity. https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
Discover the hidden costs of what’s on our plates and learn how simple changes can make a monumental difference in our future. 🌎💚 This film isn’t just about awareness; it’s about empowering each of us to take action and protect our precious planet.
Join the movement towards a sustainable lifestyle and see why “Eating For Tomorrow” is the environmental film everyone needs to see. 📽️✨
📣 Watch “Eating For Tomorrow” now for FREE and be inspired to make a positive change! Together, we can create a healthier planet for generations to come. https://earth.foodrevolution.org/
#EatingForTomorrow #SaveOurPlanet #FreeFilm
Banners — No Captions
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