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Welcome to the affiliate dashboard for the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass. This 80-minute free training experience is designed to empower a new wave of leaders in the plant-based movement, offering a comprehensive blend of nutritional insights, coaching strategies, and socially responsible business-building principles.

We hope this Masterclass will be an extraordinary resource for your community, a contribution to building a healthy future for our children, and a great moneymaker to support your mission. Thanks in advance for joining us to spread the word!

About the Masterclass:

The Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass is a free, 80-minute training experience designed to empower participants with foundational skills and knowledge to support others on their plant-based journeys.

The Masterclass is hosted by Food Revolution Network’s own distinguished panel of experts in plant-based living, evidence-based coaching, and ethical business practices: Ocean Robbins, Tracy Garrigan, CHHC, and Nichole Dandrea-Russert, MS, RDN.

The curriculum is crafted around key outcomes for participants, aligning with the three pillars of FRN’s Plant-Based Coaching Certification: Nutrition, Coaching, and Impact. Upon completion of the Masterclass, attendees will have gained a deeper understanding of these three pillars, launching them toward success as plant-based advocates — and, if they desire, possible future careers as plant-based coaches.

Promotion Window:

The promotion window for the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass is September 3, 2024 – January 23, 2025.

Our affiliate program runs on a last-referrer basis, so the best strategy is to promote early and late in the promotion window. With this approach, you can be the first affiliate to tell people about this event (and then get credit when they buy!) and also take advantage of the late registrants who respond to urgency.

Core Audience:

This Masterclass is for people who want to champion a whole foods, plant-based approach to health and wellness while making a positive difference in the world. Ideal for current and aspiring coaches, healthcare professionals, and wellness advocates, participants will gain essential skills to navigate a plant-based diet, establish effective client relationships, and facilitate health transformations.

About the Funnel:

The funnel begins with free registration for the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass. After selecting a Masterclass viewing time from a menu of options, a follow-up sequence is initiated that helps participants attend, return if they leave early, and catch it on replay if they missed the time they selected.

Ultimately, the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass serves as a doorway to FRN’s Plant-Based Coaching Certification. Upon completion of the Masterclass, participants have 48 hours to submit a fully refundable $100 application deposit. After placing a deposit, they then have the opportunity to apply for enrollment. Those accepted into the program will have two weeks to submit their tuition payments, though some may require additional time.

Throughout the Masterclass experience and sales journey, participants will be offered several enrollment options ranging from $4,997 to $6,582, depending on timing and whether or not they choose a payment plan. In our first two cohorts, about half the people who submitted deposits became paid participants.

Historic Stats:

On average, affiliates have earned $5.52 per lead when promoting the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass.

Commission Structure:

Because this is a very unique, high-end, and high-touch offer with limited enrollment capacity, it is freestanding and separate from FRN’s standard affiliate program. The commission rate for the Plant-Based Coaching Certification is 20%, so affiliates can earn $999.40 per buyer for full-price payments and up to $1,316.40 for non-discounted and completed payment plans.

Lead tracking will remain active for ten months to accommodate anyone who registers between the time of promotion and the start of the Plant-Based Coaching Certification in January. This window also accommodates payment plans, which may extend up to an additional six months.

We are not offering second-tier commissions for this distinct affiliate offer, and your referrals will not be cookied for any offers or sales outside of the Plant-Based Coaching Certification. Additionally, you will not receive credit for any leads cookied in our system from other programs.

Barring any special circumstances, we pay out the prior month’s commissions in the first week of the following month.

Bottom line: Promoting this totally free (and life-changing) Masterclass could be a great revenue source for you and YOUR mission!

Email Swipe Copy

How To Use the Copy We Provide

The suggested copy and images we offer are simply ideas to help you get started. Most partners have learned that it works best to write in their own authentic voice. Please use our images and copy as much as you would like, but feel confident that you know your audience best.

Every time you see “[First Name]” we are suggesting you include the recipient’s first name. If you don’t have their name, we suggest substituting the word “Friend” or editing it out.

Based on our research, the use of [First Name] in the subject, when used judiciously, leads to about a 5–10% bump in open and click rate. That’s something you may want to use only a time or two, as represented in the copy we’re providing. We offer several suggested subject lines — hopefully you’ll see something you like or come up with your own!

Follow-Up Emails to Unopens

If you send early in the promotion window, we recommend sending a follow-up email — 1–2 days after your first email — to the people who haven’t opened. To maximize the chances of engagement, it’s best to use a new subject line and opening paragraph. In our experience, this strategy has been shown to increase initial results by approximately 40%. It’s worth noting that recent changes in email tracking may inaccurately mark some recipients as having opened a message, even if they haven’t. Despite this imperfection, sending to unopens can still be an effective way to improve your overall email performance.

Three Tips for Better Email Results
  1. Our swipe copy is a fantastic starting point, but we encourage you to add your own unique style and voice to make it even more effective. It’s important to remember that if multiple affiliates are using the same exact messaging, it may not create the desired impact. That’s why we strongly recommend adding a personal touch and tailoring the content to resonate with your audience. Let your creativity shine and make it your own!
  2. According to data on email delivery, messages that contain fewer than four hyperlinks tend to have a higher likelihood of reaching inboxes and Gmail primary folders. The swipe copy we provide usually includes three hyperlink slots for this reason.
  3. Based on our testing, we have found that using a capital letter for the first word of the subject line and lowercase letters for the rest yielded slightly better results than using “Title Case.” We also recommend avoiding the use of spam filter-triggering words like “FREE” in the subject line and hyperlinks to optimize deliverability.

*Click each row to open the suggested swipe.

Talking Points

Here are some fast facts you can share about the Masterclass. Remember that your audience will respond better if you put this into the context of your work or personal message.

  • More and more people want to make a difference in the lives of others — and helping people to eat better is one of the most powerful ways to do so!
  • For many, the switch to a plant-based diet is the single most impactful needle mover when it comes to enjoying energy, preventing chronic disease, expanding longevity, and walking lighter on the earth.
  • Even just a few years ago, those identifying as vegetarian, vegan, or plant-based were often viewed as weird or extreme. Now, much of the world is trending toward plant-based eating, creating an enormous opportunity for plant-based coaches.
  • More and more people are going plant-based — but not doing it right. As a result, they are missing out on critical nutrients, falling back into bad habits, and failing to thrive.
  • Never before has there been such a demand for plant-based coaches — people who hold a deep understanding of plant-based nutrition and how to help people make the transition without common mistakes like nutrient deficiency or backsliding.
  • Unlock your potential! Join this free Masterclass and learn how to turn a passion for health and wellness into a fulfilling career as a plant-based coach.
  • Discover how you could make a positive impact on people’s lives while also building a rewarding career.
  • Satisfy the need for well-trained, specialized plant-based coaches in the field of health and wellness and your community.
  • Learn directly from plant-based movement leaders and master health coaches who have led the way in plant-based coaching.
  • This isn’t your average Masterclass. It’s hands-on training with experts in the field. Expect an engaging and educational experience that will leave you equipped and inspired.
  • Gain the skills to guide clients through life-changing health transformations as they switch to a plant-based lifestyle with your expert guidance.
  • Whether you’re looking for a full-time career or a part-time passion project, this free Masterclass illuminates pathways to success — on your terms.
  • Whether you’re a seasoned health professional who wants to bring plant-based coaching into your practice or a regular person who wants to learn more about plant-based nutrition, coaching, or how to make a real impact, this is for you.
  • This expert-led Masterclass is totally free! Don’t miss your chance to learn from the best and jumpstart what could be a promising new path in plant-based coaching.

Images and Social Media Swipe Copy

We’ve created a variety of images and accompanying swipe copy for this program. These assets are designed for versatility and adaptability across various platforms and marketing channels. Please feel free to utilize these resources in a way that best fits your promotional strategy — either as provided or tailored specifically for your audience.

Need help posting to social media Click here for step-by-step instructions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to add your affiliate link to all posts so you don’t miss out on commissions. Please use the link exactly as provided. Do NOT click on the link and use the URL that appears in your browser. The resolving URL will not work for referral tracking. For social media promotions, you may use a link shortener like bitly.com.

*Click each row to view the suggested social swipe copy with the images, OR click the button below to download all of the images on their own.

Click Here To Download All Images

Video Trailer and Sizzle Reel

This downloadable trailer and sizzle reel are a fantastic way to share engaging video content with your audience.

Need Help?

We’ve created this Affiliate Center to be entirely self-service. Because we have a large number of amazing affiliate partners, we’ve worked to make sure this dashboard includes everything you need to promote the Plant-Based Coaching Workshop. For more information, please visit our FAQ page and Terms and Conditions.