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Welcome to the affiliate dashboard for the Healthy Heart Masterclass and course with Dr. Mimi Guarneri and Ocean Robbins. This program is incredibly powerful, and your audience will love it. Thanks in advance for joining us to spread the word!

About the Masterclass:

The Healthy Heart Masterclass exposes the four biggest myths about heart disease — the world’s leading cause of death by far — and reveals ten recent scientific breakthroughs that are still under the radar for many doctors. Acclaimed holistic cardiologist Dr. Mimi Guarneri teaches her natural approach to treatment and prevention, offering practical solutions to slash risk and avoid the unnecessary distress and costs associated with heart disease.

Dr. Mimi has cracked the code on how to prevent and even reverse most cases of this devastating illness with proven changes to diet and lifestyle. With decades of pioneering work in holistic cardiology, she has been the guiding light for tens of thousands in their transformative journeys to better health.

Not only is Dr. Mimi an eloquent speaker and inspiring motivator, but she’s also an expert on the art of implementation. She knows how to help people sustain healthy habits and get results. And now, she’s putting it all into action through this brilliant free Masterclass and the paid course it introduces.

Registrants who opt-in will join the lists of both Food Revolution Network and Dr. Mimi Guarneri.

Promotion window:

This offer is evergreen! You can promote the Healthy Heart Masterclass anytime.

We also occasionally run launches during designated promotion windows for our partners to share in tandem with FRN. This creates a special buzz and offers an opportunity to win leaderboard prizes! Click here to see the dates of our upcoming launches.

Core audience:

Anyone with a heart! This program is especially intended for people who are concerned about heart disease for themselves or loved ones and people who want to optimize heart health and performance.

About the funnel:

This is an evergreen funnel that is optimized for each participant.

There is one entry point for this offer — the Healthy Heart Masterclass with Dr. Mimi Guarneri and Ocean Robbins.

After selecting a Masterclass viewing time from a menu of options, a follow-up sequence is initiated that helps participants attend, return if they leave early, and catch it on replay if they missed the time they selected.

The Masterclass contains an hour of life-changing free education, followed by an invitation to take the next step and purchase the Healthy Heart course for a special discount of $247 and then, later in the journey, $297 and $497.

The entire funnel is responsive to user behavior, including segmentation, distinct fast-action offers, and “cart close” timing.

Historic stats:

On average, affiliates have earned more than $2.16 per lead when promoting this program.

Commission structure:

Unless otherwise agreed, affiliates receive 50% commission on eligible sales and upsells. Affiliates can also receive 10% lifetime commissions for second-tier referrals (i.e., they receive 10% of sales revenue generated by affiliates they refer).

We offer 70-day last-referrer tracking, and occasionally launches are stacked.

Barring any special circumstances, we pay out the prior month’s affiliate commissions in the first week of the following month.

Bottom line: Promoting this totally free (and life-changing) program could be a great revenue source for you and YOUR mission!

Email Swipe Copy

How to Use the Copy We Provide

The suggested copy and images we offer are simply ideas to help you get started. Most partners have learned that it works best to write in their own authentic voice. Please use our images and copy as much as you would like, but feel confident that you know your audience best.

Every time you see “[First Name]” we are suggesting you include the recipient’s first name. If you don’t have their name, we suggest substituting the word “Friend” or editing it out.

Based on our research, the use of [First Name] in the subject, when used judiciously, leads to about a 5–10% bump in open and click rate. That’s something you may want to use only a time or two, as represented in the copy we’re providing. We offer several suggested subject lines — hopefully you’ll see something you like or come up with your own!

Follow-up Emails to Unopens

If you send early in the promo window, we recommend sending a follow-up email — 1–2 days after your first email — to the people who haven’t opened. To maximize the chances of engagement, it’s best to use a new subject line and opening paragraph. In our experience, this strategy has been shown to increase initial results by approximately 40%. It’s worth noting that recent changes in email tracking may inaccurately mark some recipients as having opened a message, even if they haven’t. Despite this imperfection, sending to unopens can still be an effective way to improve your overall email performance.

Three Tips For Better Email Results
  1. Our swipe copy is a fantastic starting point, but we encourage you to add your own unique style and voice to make it even more effective. It’s important to remember that if multiple affiliates are using the same exact messaging, it may not create the desired impact. That’s why we strongly recommend adding a personal touch and tailoring the content to resonate with your audience. Let your creativity shine and make it your own!
  2. According to data on email delivery, messages that contain fewer than four hyperlinks tend to have a higher likelihood of reaching inboxes and Gmail primary folders. The swipe copy we provide usually includes three hyperlink slots for this reason.
  3. Based on our testing, we have found that using a capital letter for the first word of the subject line and lowercase letters for the rest yielded slightly better results than using “Title Case.” We also recommend avoiding the use of spam filter-triggering words like “FREE” in the subject line and hyperlinks to optimize deliverability.

*Click each row to open the suggested swipe.

Talking Points

Here are some fast facts you can share about this program. Remember that your audience will respond better if you put this into the context of your work or personal message.

  • Heart disease is the #1 cause of death on the planet — and it’s often a silent killer. Most of its victims don’t even know they have cause for concern until it’s too late.
  • Contrary to popular belief, genetics isn’t the primary driver of heart disease. In fact, an astonishing 90% of all heart diseases can be both prevented and reversed without drugs, surgeries, or stents.
  • The Healthy Heart Masterclass reveals ten recent scientific discoveries that hold the key to drastically reducing your risk of heart disease — and even reversing it.
  • Do you know the four biggest myths about heart disease? They might surprise even your doctor. Find out in the Healthy Heart Masterclass!
  • Your heart is more than a biological pump; it needs love and connection! In fact, research has shown that stress, depression, anger, grief, and loneliness can all increase your chances of developing or dying from a heart condition. The healing power of love is scientifically supported! Find out more in the Healthy Heart Masterclass, led by the cardiologist who isn’t afraid to talk about love.
  • Is your heart the real reason you can’t lose weight or find the energy to do the things you love? Ignoring your heart health can zap your vitality, contribute to weight gain, wreck your sexual function, and ruin your sleep.
  • Tune in to the FREE Healthy Heart Masterclass to discover what you’re doing right (and what you’re missing) when it comes to preventing heart disease. You’ll hear what the latest science says about reversing symptoms, regardless of age or existing heart conditions.
  • Find out how to switch off the genes that cause heart disease with natural, delicious, and wholesome foods! Pills and surgeries are not the miracle cures we once thought.
  • Learn the little-known truth about why extra weight around your belly impacts more than just your pants size — it’s also a dangerous red flag for heart disease. This information can save your life.
  • Discover what NEVER to eat if you want to avoid or reverse dangerous cholesterol and high blood pressure — and why some ingredients found in common “health” foods (like omega-6 oils) are worse than we thought.

Images and Social Media Swipe Copy

We’re providing numerous ideas and options for promoting this program. You can use the images on their own, or if you use the images on social media, we have provided suggested copy optimized specifically for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Please feel free to use the copy and images in whatever way works best for you — as is or modified.

Need help posting to social media? Click here for step-by-step instructions.

Important Note: Remember to add your affiliate link to all posts so you don’t miss out on commissions. You must use your link as we are giving it to you (or, for social media, it is okay to use a link shortener like bitly.com). Please do NOT click on the link, copy the resolving URL that appears on your browser, and use that. The resolving work will not work for affiliate tracking.

*Click each row to view the suggested social swipe copy with the images, OR click the button below to download all of the images on their own.

Click Here To Download All Images

Video Trailer

We’re providing this downloadable trailer in case you’d like to share video content with your audience.

Need Help?

We’ve created this Affiliate Center to be entirely self-service. Because we have a large number of amazing affiliate partners, we’ve worked to make sure this dashboard includes everything you need to promote the Healthy Heart Masterclass. For more information, please visit our FAQ page and Terms and Conditions.

Check Your Affiliate Commission Earnings
